Newport Bay Candle Co.
Factory Store
110 SW Coast Hwy
Newport, Oregon 97365
Historic Bayfront
424 SW Bay Blvd.
Newport, OR 97365
Factory Store 10am - 5pm Monday-Sunday
Bayfront 10am - 5pm Monday - Sunday
(Bayfront Store may stay open Later, during the busy season)
Due to the unpredictable weather on the Beautiful Oregon Coast, store hours are subject to change without notice.
There's something for everyone! If you love sweet scents, you'll love Pomegranate, Volcano Island and Oregon Blackberry. Or, if you prefer woodsy scents, Redwood Cedar, Oregon Noble Fir and Through The Woods are perfect for bringing the outdoors home. Cinnamon lovers go nuts over Red Hot Cinnamon -- it's like tasting those little red hot candies, only without the guilt!, Vanilla Cinnamon and Apple Cinnamon We also carry lovely flowery fragrances like Lilac, Calming Lavender, and Jasmine, some of our most popular florals. To learn more about our entire fragrance line, simply click on our online catalog by product.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
If there is something specific you are looking for and you don't see it here give us a call at 541-265-6111