Newport Bay Candle Co.
Factory Store
110 SW Coast Hwy
Newport, Oregon 97365
Historic Bayfront
424 SW Bay Blvd.
Newport, OR 97365
Factory Store 10am - 5pm Monday-Sunday
Bayfront 10am - 5pm Monday - Sunday
(Bayfront Store may stay open Later, during the busy season)
Due to the unpredictable weather on the Beautiful Oregon Coast, store hours are subject to change without notice.

Newport Bay Candle Company offers a unique service other candle manufacturer's don't. Save your empty jars and bring them in to our factory store and we will re-fill them for you at a substantial discount! The more jars you bring in the more you save depending on how many ounces of gel required to fill your empty jars.
We charge $1.50 for the first 10 ounces of Gel (For a total of $15.00). After that initial charge the price drops to .60 cents an ounce UNLIMITED!! Specifically directed to those who burn multiple candles throughout the year and don't know what to do with all those empty jars.
Limited to 32oz, or more, per fragrance. 4 fragrance maximum
Ounces 1 - 10 @ $1.50 per ounce = $15.00
Ounce 11 @ .60 = $15.60
Ounce 12 @ .60 = $16.20
Ounce 13 @ .60 = $16.80
Ounce 14 @ .60 = $17.40
Ounce 15 @ .60 = $18.00
And so on.......
Bring your empty jars to our factory store 110 SW Coast Hwy in Newport cleaned and ready to wick. A $1 surcharge per jar will added for jars that need to be cleaned. $2 for hard to clean jars. We can have most orders completed the same day! Drop off in the morning, enjoy a day at the beach and pick up in the afternoon!
Don't have enough jars to equal 32oz or more per fragrance? Thrown in a competitors jar! Or any other containers sitting around collecting dust like Jelly Jars, Wine Glasses, Coffee mugs etc. If it can handle a hot gel we will wick it and make a candle out of it. Be creative! Makes wonderful gifts for candle lovers.
** Please note: Some glass is too delicate to fill. We will advise you as to what is appropriate to fill to help you select the best container for your candle. Jars with lids are recommended to help keep your gel candle protected from dust and contaminates.
Can't make it to Newport? No problem!! Mail your empty container to the Factory and we will fill them and mail them back to you. (Shipping charges do apply) Please call us at 541.265.6111 for more information.